Catholic Mission TV

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Our work in Ghana

Centre for Child Development

Centre for Child Development

The Centre for Child Development (CCD) is located in Bolgatanga, the capital of the Upper East Region, where high poverty and unemployment rates make it especially hard for young people to gain an education and earn a living...

Discover more about Centre for Child Development
Navrongo-Bolgatanga Farmer Training Centre

Navrongo-Bolgatanga Farmer Training Centre

The Farmer Training Centre (FTC) is located in Pusu-Namongo, in the Talensi District of Upper East Region of Ghana and operates in the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese. The diocese stretches across a large rural landscape, with most of its population depending on agriculture for income...

Discover more about Navrongo-Bolgatanga Farmer Training Centre
Mother of Mercy Babies Home, Sirigu, Ghana

Mother of Mercy Babies Home, Sirigu, Ghana

With a lack of education the numbers of early pregnancies, where the mother may not be prepared to nurse a baby or may die due to birthing complications are high in this part of Ghana...

Discover more about Mother of Mercy Babies Home
Do not fear, for I am with you

Do not fear, for I am with you

“I was about four or five … I came here because I was accused of witchcraft and I was condemned by my family and my community.” – Sarah

Discover more about Sarah

World Mission Month

This World Mission Month, we share stories from the ground – stories about how their lives have been impacted and changed thanks to generous donors like you. We hope you are inspired by these stories, and we encourage you to consider how you can be part of mission today.

You Are Mission

You Are Mission

‘You are Mission’ is a message for all of us. As Pope Francis writes in his World Mission Day message this year, ’Every man and woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this earth’.

World Mission Appeal
A journey in Mission

A journey in Mission

When Shorti and Vandoosha first met, they were little girls who, despite coming from different backgrounds, shared the trauma of an early childhood marked by abuse and neglect. Shorti was noticed at a railway station in Chennai at the age of three, begging for food and money. At five years old, Vandoosha was saved from slavery and physical abuse by a concerned neighbour who reported her anguished cries to authorities...

World Mission Appeal
Dignity in every child

Dignity in every child

Bridget suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta, more commonly known as brittle bone syndrome, and has endured dozens of fractures in her young life. Her arms, legs and spine are misshapen as a result, and she cannot support own weight; instead she relied on her grandmother Heide to carry her from place to place. Life was an overwhelming struggle for both Bridget and Heide. But thanks to your generosity in responding to their story through Catholic Mission, life has improved a great deal for the family...

World Mission Appeal
Arrupe Centre

Arrupe Centre

A 12-month sporting transformation

Heal a nation through education

Heal a nation through education

2018 World Mission Month Schools Promo

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Mission in 360VR

These 360VR experiences invite you to engage with some of the children and families from Myanmar and all around the world.

Take a moment to share in these stories, spending some time in someone else’s shoes, looking through their eyes and hearing through their ears.

St John’s School, Hakha

St John’s School, Hakha

The establishment of St John’s School is contributing to the well-being of the children in this area and improving the education system. This school uses a child-centred approach, focused on the development of each child through holistic learning.

2018 World Mission Appeal
St Joseph's Home

St Joseph's Home

Meet children, some of whom are orphaned and some of whom are HIV-positive themselves, who can live, learn and play together in the safety offered by the sisters from St Joseph’s Home.

2018 World Mission Appeal
Pan Hlaing community

Pan Hlaing community

The construction of Pan Hlaing Church was carried out entirely by villagers from surrounding communities who transported all the construction materials, including cement bags, by boat and foot to the village.

2018 World Mission Appeal


Discover Ethiopia with new eyes

Read the story
St Thereza Primary School, Bujuni

St Thereza Primary School, Bujuni

Experience a day at a school in the heart of Uganda. St Thereza Primary School sits on a hillside in the small town of Bujuni, three hours from the capital Kampala. Each day, hundreds of students come to the school to learn local language, English, mathematics, science and religion and ethics.

2017 World Mission Appeal
Experience Bujuni with Harriet

Experience Bujuni with Harriet

Spend some time with 13-year-old Harriet in her home town of Bujuni, three hours from the Ugandan capital, Kampala. Walk with her as she shows you her home, the way to her school, and where her family sources fresh, water from the river.

2017 World Mission Appeal
St Luke's Health Centre, Bujuni

St Luke's Health Centre, Bujuni

Take a look inside the St Luke Health Centre in Bujuni, three hours from the Ugandan capital Kampala. Meet some expectant mothers in the maternity ward, watch an antenatal education class and be surrounded by the buzz of activity outside as patients, visitors and support staff arrive at the centre.

2017 World Mission Appeal

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