Our Stories

Onwards and upwards at St John's

Father Lucas Tha Ling Sum called it an “education revolution”. For the first time in over sixty years, children in his diocese were being taught at a level near that of neighbouring countries in the region.

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Chosen by God's grace

While it may come as a surprise to them, those who have felt it, from seminarians to Pope Francis, say the call to religious life is a blessing from God.

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Living and learning in safety

Mother Claudia Nursery and Primary School in Uganda is working to improve the safety and security of its children, which will have positive flow-on effects for their education.

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On track to heal a nation through education

With your support, St John’s Primary School - located in Hakha, Chin State, in north-western Myanmar - is on track in its work to heal a nation through education.

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A second chance at Jeevanie

Whether they are orphaned or coming from broken homes, the 35 girls living at the Jeevanie Home in Colombo have something in common; this warm, loving place has become their family.

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A safer place to live and learn

In Hoima, Uganda, the girls studying at St Francisco School face all the challenges of study while also dealing with concerns for their safety in and outside the school gates. A new dormitory has ensured their security.

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Illuminating the faith

Catechists play an essential role in bringing the Catholic faith alive for communities all around the world. Just as important is that they too receive a sound level of formation.

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