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Extraordinary timing hoped for Fulton Sheen beatification

National Director of Catholic Mission Father Brian Lucas says the beatification of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen would be timely in the year of the Extraordinary Missionary Month.

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Refugee Week a reminder of our call to care for those on the margins

Refugee Week 2019 is a time to reflect deeply on the plight of those around the world, including in Australia, who are seeking asylum and to offer support.

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Focus on Catechesis, Animation and Prayer

Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and President of the Supreme Committee of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) has addressed 120 National Directors, including Australia’s Fr Brian Lucas in Rome.

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We go forward from here with hope and the joy of the Gospel

‘Mission: one heart many voices’ 2019 concluded this afternoon with a challenge to participants to consider what the Church beyond 2020 must look like.

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We must listen to the vulnerable and marginalised, conference told

The focus turned on Day 2 of the ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference in Sydney towards the marginalised and vulnerable as Robyn Miller, Robert Fitzgerald and Ravina Waldren led a stirring morning.

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Spirit of inclusivity, diversity encouraged on Day 1 of mission conference

Diversity, inclusivity and joy were the standout themes, with a few surprises coming on the opening day of the Mission: one heart many voices conference in Sydney.

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Update: Catastrophic damage reported in Puri after Cyclone Fani

The latest update from India says city of Puri is "totally destroyed" following devastating category 4 Cylone Fani which tore through the region last weekend. (Photo: ABC News)

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Element of surprise to feature throughout Australia’s premier mission conference

Around 500 participants from across Australia can expect a few surprises when the ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference begins in Sydney next Monday.

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Support Sri Lanka through their darkest hours

Catholic Mission, through its affiliated Pontifical Mission Societies partners, is reaching out to Sri Lanka following the devastating attacks that killed over 250 people on Easter Sunday.

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Participants spoilt for choice following reveal of conference program

Slate of concurrent sessions for May mission conference in Sydney revealed

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Who's who at Australia's premier mission conference: Bishop Paul Tighe

One of the Vatican's most senior culture and communication officials to speak at mission conference in Sydney from May 13-15.

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Ride and Stride launches as Trek wraps

Friday is the last day to get an early bird rate on the Ride and Stride 2020, the latest in a series of adventures following the Trek to Reach Out which wrapped on Sunday.

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Who's who at Australia's premier mission conference: Dr Carol Zinn ssj

The Executive Director of the US Leadership Conference of Women Religious will open and close the ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference in Sydney from 13-15 May 2019.

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Catholic Mission to mark Valentine’s Day with a fundraising event in Melbourne

Catholic Mission in the Melbourne Archdiocese will be encouraging supporters to look abroad this Valentine's Day, with a High Tea event profiling the organisation's work for vulnerable children in Ghana.

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Cyclone Gita – one year on, the devastation remains

One year after Cyclone Gita swept through the Pacific Islands, many communities remain devastated, including Pago Pago in American Samoa.

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Australian trekkers begin adventure in historic Mandalay

After almost a year of fundraising, fitness training and feeling the nerves build up, a team of intrepid Catholic Mission supporters has landed in Myanmar to begin the adventure of a lifetime.

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Web a place of encounter, opportunity: Pope Francis

The Pope warned against "spirals of hatred" in his annual message for World Day of Social Communications 2019, to be celebrated worldwide on Sunday June 2.

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Sydney family trekking trio keen to make a difference in Myanmar

Matthew, Vera and Stuart Clark from Sydney's North Shore will take on the adventure of a lifetime when they set off on the Trek to Reach Out at the end of January.

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Many voices will form the beating heart of biennial mission conference

Dr Carol Zinn SSJ and Bishop Paul Tighe are just two of the many voices forming the heart of Australia's premier mission conference in May.

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Lyn's stepping out of her comfort zone to make a difference

​When Lyn Barham sets out on the ten-day Trek to Reach Out across Myanmar in February, the librarian from Dungog is expecting a challenge unlike any she has faced before.

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Mission conference the perfect prelude to an extraordinary month

'Mission: one heart many voices' to be held in Sydney in May ahead of October's Extraordinary Missionary Month

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Walk in the footsteps of royalty and experience your Kairos moment

Catholic Mission Immersions is offering you the chance undertake one of the world’s most transformative spiritual journeys, the Camino Portugués.

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