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Ride and Stride launches as Trek wraps

Friday is the final day to take advantage of an earlybird rate on the Ride and Stride, the next in a series of adventures following the Trek to Reach Out which wrapped on Sunday.

Seven exhausted Australians wrapped up their trekking adventure with Mass at Yangon’s St Mary Cathedral on Sunday.

The hikers began their 2019 Trek to Reach Out on 31st January covering 60km of stunning landscape from Mandalay to Yangon.

The journey began in Myanmar’s second largest city and passed through enchanting villages to end at St Mary’s Cathedral with the celebration of Mass. The group has raised over $24,000.

The adventure had the objectives of both raising money and allowing the participants to experience first-hand Catholic Mission’s life changing work.

'One of the things I’ve learnt is the benefits of the infrastructure of the Church in leading development initiatives that were in the past focused only on individual projects,' said participant Barry Howard from Melbourne.

'Sitting beside this deeply committed community was a privilege and a profoundly enriching experience,' said Sonja Krivacic, representative member of Catholic Mission. She described a spirited atmosphere that surrounded the event.

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Vera Clark has some thanaka applied during the Trek to Reach Out. The paste made from tree bark is used for sun protection and cosmetic purposes. (Photo: Simone Medri)

For those who missed this adventure, there is still the chance to participate in the 2020 “Ride and Stride” in Cambodia. From 10-21 January 2020, this experience will combine a rousing ride and transformative trek to deliver a completely new experience.

'This is a great chance for our supporters to get involved and see their funds at work and have a better perspective on how they are making a difference in people’s lives,' said Silje Lea, Catholic Mission Fundraising Manager.

The journey will begin from Siem Reap and end in Phnom Penh. This will be an opportunity to be immersed in all the riches that Khmer culture has to offer. With 23 kilometres of trekking and 50 kilometres of cycling, the Ride and Stride will offer a moderate physical challenge with incredible sightseeing opportunities.

Participants interested in this experience are being encouraged to register now since places are limited.

'Now is the time to get on board, this experience will not only enrich you on a spiritual level and understand how Catholic Mission works with local partners, but will also give you the opportunity to see the hidden beauty of a country that otherwise you would rarely have the chance to discover,' said Father Brian Lucas, National Director of Catholic Mission. Early bird registrations for the Ride and Stride: Cambodia 2020 are available until 15 February. Secure your place today!

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