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“I was about four or five … I came here because I was accused of witchcraft and I was condemned by my family and my community.” – Sarah, aged 12

When Sarah was four years old, she was wrongly implicated in the deaths of fifteen people in her community, simply because she had a speech impediment.

In accordance with local customs in parts of northern Ghana, some people in Sarah's community believed the little girl to be a "spirit child". Under these customs, any child born with a disability or whose mother dies during their birth may be considered a bad omen, and their lives placed at risk. Many in Sarah's community, including her own family, became furious at her inability or unwillingness to speak and defend herself against the allegations, casting her out and threatening to kill her.

Thankfully, Sister Stan Therese Mumuni and the local Church was made aware of the imminent danger Sarah was in. Sister Stan recalls fighting—almost physically—to save Sarah from the most terrible fate and give her a new chance at life.



Sister Stan has dedicated the last decade to running the Nazareth Home for God’s Children in the Diocese of Yendi in Ghana, a haven where children like Sarah are given shelter, nutritious meals, healthcare and education as well as unconditional love.

At the Nazareth Home for God's Children the children receive quality education so that they may one day gain employment and provide for themselves. Sister Stan's dream is that they one day will return to their home community and show how the love and support of the Church has empowered them to develop and reach their goals.


Without the tireless efforts of Sister Stan and other religious and lay missionaries around the country, many children will lose out on all that life has to offer. Sarah says of Sister Stan, “I like her because she saved my life”. If not for Sister Stan's intervention and lifelong care, Sarah may not be here today.

Please help missionaries like Sister Stan rescue and care for children like Sarah in Ghana and around the world!

Donate now and help rescue children today!
