Image 4 A Student And Teacher At St Johns School

St John’s School: Primary education in Hakha, Myanmar

Project Code: MMCT-1200014 | Location: Hakha, Myanmar

About the Project

The establishment of St John’s School contributes to the improvement of Myanmar’s education system, as a model for best practice in education and self-sufficient income generation. St John’s School is located in the Hakha Diocese in the mountainous region of Sothern Chin state, and provides education for some of the most remote and isolated communities in the country.

Chin State remains one of the least developed areas of Myanmar, with its school facilities largely inadequate. Around 26% of people in Chin state have received no schooling, and Chin state has one of the lowest literacy rates in the country.

Image 1 Construction Of St Johns School

St John’s School is located in the Hakha Diocese in the mountainous region of Sothern Chin state

Project achievements

Since the commencement of the project in January 2017, one of the two school buildings have been constructed and 15 teachers and Early Childhood Care Development teachers have been trained. Currently, 155 students are attending St John’s School.

The implementation of school fees in 2017 will contribute to the sustainability of the project, and will also be used to create a fund to supplement education for children from low-income families.

  1. Teachers to be trained
  2. Students enrolled

Image 2 Father Lucas With A Student At St Johns School

Project activities

The Hakha Diocese is now seeking support for the second phase of the project, which includes a number of activities.

  • The construction of a second classroom building will increase the capacity of the school by an additional 240 students.
  • The purchase of a second bus will increase the school’s accessibility for remote communities.
  • Ongoing teacher training will contribute to the establishment of St John’s Schol as an effective teaching and learning centre, with a firm grounding in child-centred approaches.

Image 3 A Student And Teacher At St Johns School

A student and teacher at St John’s School

  • Ongoing purchase of school materials will significantly increase a student’s achievement by supporting their learning.
  • Ongoing support for the parental engagement program encourages parents to become actively involved in school activities.
  • Development of income generation will contribute to the economic sustainability of the school. Income generation activities include the establishment of a piggery and a bakery.

Image 5 A Student At St Johns School

Mission in 360 - Myanmar - St John’s School in the remote northern town of Hakha

St John’s School in the remote northern town of Hakha, is a newly established school that services over 50 local children in preschool to year one. The teachers at St John’s provide holistic education to the children through interactive learning with education resources and child-centred methodologies – as they have all been trained through the Church’s teacher-training programs.

Updates from the field

How you can make a difference

By contributing to this project through Catholic Mission, you will be supporting a community to break the cycle of poverty through the power of effective education. Your contribution will also help to sustain the recently commenced education program
