
Nha Trang: water project

‘Whoever drinks of this water that I shall give, will never thirst again’ – John 4:14 There are over 12 million farming families in Vietnam, living in the coastal mountain regions, who desperately require access to clean drinking water and nutritious food as they struggle to survive on less than $2 per day. Together, we can provide them with essential community health, education and spiritual growth resources to ensure they can have a future filled with hope.

Despite decades of struggling with limited religious freedoms, Sister Mary Hoaian and the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Nha Trang, Vietnam work tirelessly to provide critical community resources such as clean drinking water for the forgotten farming families located in the coastal mountain regions.

Vietnam Children

Thanks to the help of Catholic Mission, the Sisters are seeking to install a new water filtration system at the rear of their kindergarten. Sister Mary and the children who are orphaned and disadvantaged who attend the daily lunch program, have all been praying to receive this new service, as they know that having clean drinking water will greatly improve their daily health and general wellbeing.

Vietnam Water

“If we could just get a new water filtration system, this will allow us to meet the foundational need of this isolated community. It will also enable us to dramatically impact the health outcomes of the children and the families here within our care,” says Sister Mary.

Please help Sister Mary provide clean drinking water and support for the forgotten farming families of Vietnam.
